You are Chilling with Schilling!

Mental Health Advocate
Story Teller

I’ve always wanted to be a story teller. It started with acting in my first school play in grade 3 (I was a reindeer), and branched into media studies in high school.

Drama and media studies drove me into Acting For Film and Television in college. I got my first camera and started telling stories in photographs.

Regardless of the medium, I am a story teller through and through.

When I started my website, I wanted it to showcase my work; however, it’s more than that. My website is dedicated to telling stories of all kinds, across all forms of art, from all sorts of people.

I officially started my mental health journey in 2017 with my first mental breakdown. The events from then to now have taken their toll, but made me who I am today.

Chilling with Schilling

YouTube started as my online journal. A way to gather my thoughts. As my story grew darker, it became my lifeline. Now that I have knowledge of the journey, YouTube has become my way of lighting a beacon for others